The journal has electronic backup and preservation of access to the content via LOCKSS-based preservation options for open access journal, i.e., The Keepers (PKP PN). The pre-print, post-print, and publisher's version/PDF can be archived under the following conditions. We also entrust our preservation services to the Internet Archive so allow the journal to digitally preserve its content. This means if a journal stops publishing or goes offline, there will be a way to have continued long-term access to articles and issues.
We also preserve the data in the local repository to make sure all the content of the journal is accessible when something happens to the external backup.
Self-Archiving Policy
Authors have the right to deposit and share all versions of their paper, including the preprint, author's accepted manuscript, and published article (also known as the version of record), in an institutional or subject repository without any embargo period. This means that authors are allowed to make their work publicly available at any time.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...